Many women who are sexually active register for the HPV vaccine, to prevent cervical cancer. Do you know, there is actually the best time to do this vaccine. Let's find out when the HPV vaccine should be done. Human papillomavirus or HPV infection is often not realized because it does not always cause typical symptoms. However, more than 50% of sexually active women and men have been exposed to this infection. The HPV vaccine can protect the body from infection with the HPV virus. Although better known as a cause of cervical cancer, but actually HPV can also cause cancer in men. The Best Time to Get an HPV Vaccine Actually some HPV infections can disappear within 2 years. But this infection can also last for a long time, until it is likely to cause cervical cancer, penile cancer, anal cancer and back throat cancer. The good news, most types of cancer can be prevented by the HPV vaccine. If the HPV vaccine is given to teenagers before intercourse, it will be able to provide v...